The Capricorn man seems serious and ambitious. He even looks a little cold. How, therefore, did he wind up with the warm and cuddly Cancer woman?

The Capricorn man and Cancer woman pair fit together, however, like a couple from earlier, less complicated times. They might even be in a big hurry to settle down right away like people in the old days used to do.

Maybe opposites attract, or perhaps they’re just two sides of the same coin?

Emotional connection

Emotional connection is a jarring word to use when talking about a Capricorn man, as he is often viewed as cold-hearted. He is not as harsh as he looks from the outside, though.

The Capricorn man shows that stern exterior to the world because he doesn’t want to get hurt. He only wants to open up to someone who is committed to staying together long-term.

Even if the Capricorn man gets the long-term commitment he wants, he still won’t be the most effusive person in the world. He will always be serious, though he does laugh in private.

The Capricorn man may be better at listening than talking, which is good because the Cancer woman is way more talkative. She wants the people around her to feel nurtured.

How can a Cancer woman attract a Capricorn man? She should be direct about her interest in a long-term commitment rather than trying to hold that back as she sometimes does.

The Cancer woman is worried about coming on too strong. She wants the same sort of serious commitment that the Capricorn man wants, but she knows not everyone else in the world is up for that. Cancer woman is more willing than the Capricorn man to settle for a relationship, even if it is not a perfect fit because she hates to be alone.

Can Capricorn and Cancer be together? Well, that would be the obvious solution to a lot of problems.

The Cancer woman settles for relationships with others who don’t share her sense of commitment, but she gets a reputation for being clingy in those relationships. When she knows the Capricorn man isn’t going anywhere, she doesn’t have to cling so hard, and she can be a better version of herself.

Communication and intellect

The Cancer woman Capricorn man couple would be very likely to experience a classic communication problem: the woman is pouring her heart out, full of emotions about something. The man then tries to give the woman advice to solve her problem, which only upsets the woman.

Capricorn men are ambitious, and they take the same problem-solving skills honed in the boardroom home with them. They do not like the idea of an unsolvable problem.

Sometimes the Cancer woman just needs to get her feelings out, though. When she is in venting mode, the Capricorn man attempts to help her strategize and drive her crazy.

The Capricorn man may not be able to articulate this out loud, but he is operating from the assumption that, if he doesn’t succeed in solving whatever her problem is, then he has somehow failed as a partner. The Cancer woman may help herself by addressing this directly and explicitly telling the Capricorn man that it’s not his job to fix the problem at the beginning of a rant.

The Capricorn and Cancer marriage will generally be a stable one, but this communication problem will be an ongoing frustration for them. Since they cannot meet all of each other’s needs, they need separate friends outside the relationship.

Common values

Cancers and Capricorns have a shared interest in maintaining society’s traditions. They might be very interested in going to church, but not for the same reasons as the Sagittarius, who wants the answers to life’s big questions, or the Pisces, who want transcendental experiences.

For Cancer and Capricorn, the attraction would have more to do with following in the footsteps of their ancestors. If their parents preferred Star Trek marathons over the church, these guys could easily love Star Trek marathons too.

However, any tradition has to balance doing the same thing every year with the changing needs of the people involved. The Cancer woman finds herself caught in the middle of this. She loves traditions, especially if cooking and food are concerned. However, if she can tell the practices are no longer serving the people, she will do her own thing, even if that’s something new.

The Capricorn man would be more likely to come down on the side of maintaining the structure regardless of who got hurt. It could be a source of conflict in the Capricorn man Cancer woman couple, although he may quietly submit to her.

The Cancer woman tends to be persuaded by emotional arguments, especially the ones used by her family and friends who are dear to her heart. She can be influenced by whatever her surrounding culture is, for better or for worse.

The Cancer cares deeply about the people closest to her, and this is great, but it can sometimes hinder her ability to see the bigger picture. The Capricorn man can seem cold-hearted, but he sorts through the issues in a more levelheaded way.


Trust is one of the high points in Capricorn and Cancer compatibility. Both of them are very interested in structure and stability, and they are very loyal.

The Capricorn man and Cancer woman can both seem uptight in other contexts. When they finally come together, though, they can see in one another the same longing for a serious commitment. This lets them relax.

The potential for trouble in a Cancer Capricorn relationship is that they both can get so caught up in the ideals of trust and stability that they lose sight of the actual other humans they are committing to.

Cancer and Capricorn might both love the idea of putting people in understandable boxes based on their Zodiac signs, but take it from an astrologer — it’s not that simple, and you need to focus on the individual, no matter what their sign is.


Cancer and Capricorn’s physical compatibility is substantial because they both are very traditional. They are exceptionally comfortable with clearly defined gender roles. Some would say this type of thing has gone out of style, but when you come together with another consenting adult to have a relationship, you don’t have to get the whole world to agree to whatever your quirk is — you have to get one other person to agree to it.

Fortunately, the Capricorn male Cancer female couple has compatible quirks. The Capricorn man wants to pursue the woman, and the Cancer woman wants to be pursued.

Are Capricorn and Cancer couple totally vanilla in bed? If that’s how it happens, they probably are both okay with it because neither view intimate activities as an essential part of the relationship.

Both Cancer and Capricorn would try something new under pressure from a Libra or Sagittarius partner who always wanted to try the latest and greatest bedroom tips from the latest issue of Cosmopolitan.

When the Capricorn man and Cancer woman come together, they don’t have anyone pushing them to become more adventurous. In that case, they might become more adventurous over time at a comfortable pace for them.

Relationship challenges

The Cancer and Capricorn relationship is overall a pretty good one because, like all pairs of opposite signs, they are here on Earth to focus on the same issues. The relationship challenges they face are summed up as the two sides of the same coin.

What does Capricorn like about Cancer? Capricorn is drawn to her ease of navigating the emotional realm, which is hard for Capricorn. However, once the Capricorn and Cancer relationship is established, Capricorn can get frustrated with Cancer for being too sensitive.

What does Cancer like about Capricorn? She might have trouble admitting this out loud, but she admires Capricorn’s ability to stay calm. Once the Capricorn and Cancer relationship is established, though, the Cancer woman wishes that Capricorn man would respond with more sympathy when she is upset.

Cancer and Capricorn relationship is ultimately dealing with some version of this conflict: how can life have enough structure to provide stability and security while still meeting the emotional needs of the people involved?

Are Capricorn and Cancer a good match?

Capricorn man Cancer woman compatibility is overall high. Cancer and Capricorn are a good match because they are both conservative in the sense of how they conduct their personal lives, regardless of whatever political party or religion they might be affiliated with.

The Capricorn man and Cancer woman, however, stand as opposites on the extremes of ambition and emotion. While they might both get away with being domineering in relationships with people of other signs, they challenge one another enough that eventually both wind up moderating their more difficult qualities.

Do Capricorn and Cancer get along despite this? They get along very well because they can agree on the importance of a secure bond, even though they have different ways of perceiving it. This foundation gives them room to develop enough love to get through their difficulties together.